Friday, February 24, 2017

Special K w/o the Special K

6 eggs
2- 500ml cottage cheese
3 cups rolled oats
2 cup raw sunflower
1 cup sesame seed raw
1 cup hulled hemp
1 cup TVP
1/2 cup oil
1.5 cup water
1 tsp salt
1/2 Tbsp dill weed tumeric oregano paprika mustard seed

Ajvar bottled

375 mi $4.49 for hot
Not hot was $2.99

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Chocolate habanero sauce

Unfroze the pepper mix
Taste test - very spicy still

Cooked 3 onions 3 garlic 6 tomatoes 1 carrot
Sauté then added water cooked athen blended

Added 3 heaping Tbsp pepper concetrarate
4 tsp chocolate chips