Friday, January 24, 2025

Chicken Rice Casserole- v 2.3 Jan 2025 SAVORY RICE LENTIL CASSEROLE

 Chicken Rice Casserole- Experiment 2.3


Continuing to work on a scratch recipe
doubled the recipe today
Sprayed a HALF ALUMINUM- baking dish with Pam type oil spray
added dry ingredients as follows:

First- l cup TVP with one cup water, 2 Tbsp Oil, 12 Tbsp Chicken Seasoning Bulk Barn
let the TVP sit and soak up water/oil

2 cups parboiled rice
1 cup red lentils dry
2 Tbsp ground flax
1 Tbsp sesame  seeds

1 cup chopped onion (about 1 medium-large onion
1./2 cup chopped celery
1 garlic bulb diced/minced
1 cup frozen green peas

6 cups Costco Soy milk
stirred with 12 Tbps corn starch
2 Tbsp Barbeque sauce (just for some sugar & flavor) 

Stirred veggies and dry, 
Greased the pan, added the dry, then the liquid
Suggest doing this near the stove- as the pan is quite full

Bake 350 for 90 minutes
Used convection- could be less as top was quite brown and a bit caked on sides and bottom


Chicken Rice Casserole version 2.2

Chicken Rice Casserole- Experiment 2.2

Rice-Lentil Protein Casserole

Continuing to work on a scratch recipe
doubled the recipe today
Sprayed a HALF ALUMINUM- baking dish with Pam type oil spray
added dry ingredients as follows:

2 cups parboiled rice
1 cup TVP-Textured Vegetable Protein
1 cup red lentils dry
2 Tbsp ground flax
stirred up the dry
4 Tbsp Corn starch
2 Tbsp Vegetarian chicken soup base

Liquid part-
4 cups soymilk (1 costco soy milk 946 ml)
2 cups water
Since was not going to cook til morning
stirred up the dry
and added the soymilk water and oil 
2 Tbsp Sesame seeds
2 Tbsp barbecue sauce

 forgot to add  frozen peas carrots

original was 1 Tbsp lentils not 1 cup
so need to add more water

- could use some more salty - poured a bit of soy sauce on top
- sesame and TVP floated to top- perhaps soak TVP for a bit before putting in over

bake 90 minutes @ 350 degrees
careful putting into oven - as there is a lot of liquid
